RememberThe Last Time
Remember the last time you
visited the dentist?
cleaned the fridge?
called your parents?
worked out at the gym?
cleaned your car?
visited the dentist?
cleaned the fridge?
called your parents?
worked out at the gym?
cleaned your car?
visited the dentist?
cleaned the fridge?
called your parents?
worked out at the gym?
cleaned your car?

Get the App
iPhone screenshot of The Last Time


All your events are organized and sorted in a clean list making it easy to find the event you are looking for.

Add and update

A new entry or entry update is just a tap away. Trigger the refresh button from the overview to reset any day counter.


Don't get lost. Filter to find the entry you're looking for by tapping the search bar right from the overview.


Choose from a bright range of icons to give each entry a custom appearance and pick a color to make them stand out.